New Beginnings Counseling provides programs and counseling for adolescents dealing with substance abuse issues in Northwest Indiana, including Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties. Our experienced counselors have years of success in treating adolescents suffering from substance abuse. Our programs address individual client needs and provide solutions.
We help our clients learn and improve coping skills and life stressor skills.
We help our clients develop relapse prevention techniques.
We help our clients make better life choices and enhance the quality of their lives.
The 3 groups that adolescents attend at New Beginnings consist of EDUCATION, RELAPSE PREVENTION and FAMILY.
Also in family groups, we review the “five family adjustments.” This is important to discuss because it entails the different stages that parents have to confront, from the initial stages of an adolescent’s addiction, to the end of the process.
Peer Pressure is also a key concept to discuss and review with teenage clients. Our Counselors will suggest and recommend that adolescents join a sports activity to get involved with something positive. We practice assertiveness that so our clients can react to pressure to use alcohol or drugs. We help teenagers create a better strategy and plan to deal with peer pressure. As Counselors, we make sure that we discuss with, and educate, our teenage clients about the nature of progression as it relates to drug use.
Initial Evaluation: $75.00 Individual Counseling Sessions: $70.00 Group Counseling prices vary depending on the Group. Exit Interview: $70.00.

Sarah’s professional experiences include working at Moraine Halfway House in Valparaiso, Northwest Indiana Treatment Center in Merrillville, Edgewater Mental Health Facility in Gary, and Porter-Starke Counseling Services in Valparaiso. Currently Sarah is a substance abuse counselor at New Beginnings, Inc., a counseling center for children between the ages of 13 and 17 with substance abuse problems. Sarah is also a substance abuse counselor at Care Counseling Services, an out-patient center for adults suffering from substance abuse issues. Sarah’s vast experience allows her to create individual treatment plans for her clients. Sarah also serves on the Porter County Substance Abuse Council.
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Let's Sit Down And Talk
Our Hours vary, but someone is usually in the office Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.